RGB Letters | Simply Lit

RGB Letters

These RGB letters contain LED lights that can be programmed between 16 million different colors! Each letter can be its own solid color, or the entire sign can be animated where eaach letter can be an indepdent color and can change colors through the event. These are DMX programmable, so the DJ or AV team could incorporate the letters into their lighting show.

The letters are four-feet in hight, nine inches deep and vary from 24 inches to 48 inches in width. They are made from wood with an acrylic face. The letters are solid with no exposed wires. Each letter has a power-in and power-out port and includes exenstion cords. Each letter plugs into the previous letter.

  • Height: 4 Feet
  • Color: White
  • Luminance: Lit
  • Style: RGB
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